Moving Meditation

 move beyond the mind: moving meditation

Unique combination of dance, yoga and meditation practice that aims to unlock your creativity.

Inspired by the philosophies of yoga and contemporary dance, Nadia created MM to offer a practice of unlocking the mind by dropping into the body to access our untapped creativity, a sense of freedom and pleasure through movement.

As an advocate for the empathy and clarity of embodied understandings, MM encourages a deeper connection to our bodies and so each-other.

Nadia facilitates workshops for events like Yonder Festival, Jungle Love Festival and Supercell Festival of Contemporary Dance Festival as well as in universities, schools and studios.

Some feedback from participants includes:

“Thank you for allowing me to be myself. I felt so free.”

Gislaine Arantes - Mad Dance House Participant

"I loved that it was an open playground. I really noticed my body - some of the pains and tension and the process allowed me to let go of these things"

Pheonix Tanner – emerging artist UK/Northern NSW

​"I was delighted by her openness of practice and depth of knowledge both of which were complemented by their palpable sensitivity towards all things improvised"

Phil Blackman – professional dance artist and teacher Northern NSW.

“A really wonderful and timely reminder for me personally about self-compassion and creativity."

Sandi Woo – community dance practitioner/ co-founder of Open Practice

"When I was really going through something Moving Meditation pulled me out of that. I know I wouldn't be the only person who feels this has touched my life in such a beautiful way and I will always be grateful for that."

Sarah Hay - The Farm Participant

"MM provides you with a fresh perspective on things so you can recalibrate"

Tahnee Gul - The Farm Participant

"I've never felt so much love inside my body and connection with everything around me. It was truly the most raw and beautiful experience I've ever had"

"I felt such a release on the dance-floor to escape and recharge to come back into society"

"Such a beautiful immersion of being human"

Yonder Festival Participants 2021

Photos by Ned Martin - Yonder Festival 2022